Wednesday 14 November 2012

Where Gelato collides with Fashion

My friend once recounted to me how she was overcome with gelato Messina cravings one day. Now anyone who's had Messina would know that such cravings are a natural part of life, like the sun rising or wanting to throw your naked body onto Ryan Gosling .But what was particularly funny about this story is that she had just woken up, and because she was no longer a child and by extension, wasn't restricted by the rules of her parents, decided

 "Yes. Yes I can have mother fucking gelato Messina for breakfast"

And off she went at 10:30am in the morning to the Messina store with a smile on her face to only be confronted with a closed sign. It turned out Messina doesn't cater for breakfast. Now you would presume that any respectable person would just go back home in defeat but no, not this girl. She was determined to stake it out and wait for Messina to open. That's real love.

Why am I retelling this story? Well I feel like I can draw lots of parallels between her story and my own predicament. And no its not my constant craving for Messina. It is however my insatiable hunger for everything and anything Serpent and the Swan. Having recently gone to their press showings, I literally hashtag totes died at their hashtag totes ah-mazzzing collection. And this wasn't the first time.

Serpent and the Swan are one of those labels that no amount of high resolution photos could really reflect the quality of the garments. All the amazing things, the small, subtle details are easily missed when you can't feel the material and inspect the garments up close in person.

Serpent and the Swan North Sea Shirt
Take this amazing North Seas shirt. You might simply say "oh it's a cool print shirt" however you are wrong. Very very wrong. Like how those people in the olden days thought the world was flat. That's how wrong you are. It is more than just a very very incredibly cool print shirt.

It's a very very incredible cool print shirt that's on a raw silk that doesn't look or feel like silk but more like boiled wool or some other very rare ultra luxe material that you will never see in Supre.  

And if you are like "OMG IT'S SO NICE BUT IT'S A GUYS SHIRT I CAN NEVER WEAR IT" well its labelled as "unisex" so shut up and just wear it. Like I do! And there's a bag to match!

I actually still can't get over how amazing it is. I think I'm going to need a Messina to calm me down. Or two. 

Thursday 8 November 2012

Día de los Muertos

Therese Rawsthorne shirt
Edwin jeans
Thrifted shoes

One of the things that cemented my undying love for Lola is the fact that she happens to work in the food industry (can't you tell? She's so fat), and consequently, takes me to all her amazing food-related events. So when the opportunity arose to accompany her to one of her Secret Foodies pop-up dining events, I squealed a little too loud over the phone. This resulted in her giving me a solid ten minute lecture about not eating everything in sight. Like I eat anything anyways, it's three months to fashion week!

So fast-forward a week later and suddenly here I am wearing this slightly creepy, overly revealing sheer top and low cut singlet, surrounded by people with faces either done up like a Gothic banshee or without makeup. As seen below, Lola chose the later. She suits the clean, natural look, no?

MinkPink kimono
Cotton On Body corset
Love skirt
Kani rose crown
Diva earrings
Necklace from eBay
This particular event was Día de los Muertos, a Day of the Dead themed warehouse party for Halloween. Following a secret text message with directions leading me to a random parking lot in St Peters, I found Al Carbon (Sydney's latest Mexican food truck!) camped there, dishing out all you can eat tacos all night outside the party. The food was so fresh and mouth watering, I'm ashamed to say, I ate until I could physically eat no more. Aside from the food (most important), there was margaritas, Mexican decorations everywhere, Coronas, face painting, sangria, a Mariachi band and it gets blurry after the tequila...

Almost everyone was in costume, but I guess that someone also failed to mention to the girls that in Girl World, Halloween is the one night a year when a girl can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it. There was not one pair of mouse ears or skanky lingerie to be seen the whole night. I'm not sure whether to feel disappointed or relieved.

Photographs by Lola Li.