Monday 30 September 2013

Needle and Shred

One of the best things about working in the f@$shUn indU$try is that you meet heaps of young, passionate, dedicated people that love what they do and go after their dreams. That's why I was pretty stoked to be invited to the Spring/Summer 13 launch for Needle and Shred, an up and coming Australian surf and street wear label. What's even better is that they support the Australian fashion industry by producing all their garments in Australia.

Friends and fashionistas gathered at District 01 in Surry Hills where designer David Bangma released his new collection amidst live music, complimentary drinks and a live garment stand! Which is a pretty sick idea since I've never been to an event where you get to customise your own shirt before for FREE! Everyone loves free shit.

And now for the drunk luvos and other less interesting pictures that don't contain my face.


  1. Ha, looks like you had a great night :D

  2. haha looks like fun :) Long time no speak!!! I'm back in the blogging game again but this time i'm based out of LA. Please check it out! :)

    The Koalafornian x
